Spiritism in Lithuania
M. K. Čiurlionio paveikslas „Karalių Pasaka” iš ciurlionio.eu
Mūsų misija
Spiritism in Lithuania is a non-profit organisation. Our main purpose - to inform people bout Spiritism and spirituality. In the website Spiritism in Lithuania you will learn about how it all started and what is the connection to scientific researches in spirituality.
What is Spiritism?
Spiritism is the set of laws and principles, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Spiritist Codification: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis and What is Spiritism. Allan Kardec darbuose, kurie sudaro Spiritizmo Kodeksą: Dvasių knyga, Mediumų knyga, Evangelija pagal Spiritizmą, Dangus ir Pragaras, Pradžios knyga ir Kas yra Spiritizmas?
„Spiritizmas yra mokslas, kuris nagrinėja Dvasių prigimtį, kilmę ir paskirtį, taip pat jų ryšius su kūniškuoju pasauliu.” Allan Kardec (What is Spiritism? – Įžanga)
Šita doktrina „įgyvendina tai, ką Jėzus pasakė apie pažadėtąją Paguodą: supažindina su dalykais, kurie padeda žmogui suvokti, iš kur jis atėjo, kurlink eina ir kodėl jis gyvena Žemėje; ragina laikytis Dievo įsakymų ir guodžia tikėjimu ir viltimi.” Allan Kardec – (Evangelija pagal Spiritizmą – skyrius VI- 4 pastraipa)
„Mes teigėme, kad spiritizmas yra visiškas mokslas, visa filosofija savaime ir savo. Todėl tie, kurie nori visapusiškai susipažinti su juo, visų pirma, turi atsiduoti rimtam temos studijavimui ir įsitikinti, kad daugiau nei bet koks kitas mokslas, jis negali būti išmoktas be įsipareigojimo.” Allan Kardec (Mediumų knyga – pirmas dalis – skyrius III – Metodika)
What it reveals?
It reveals new and more profound concepts with respect to God, the Universe, the Human Being, the Spirits and the Laws which govern life itself.Furthermore, it reveals what we are, where we have come from, where we are going, what is the objective of our existence and what is the reason for pain and suffering.
What's the importance of Spiritism?
By providing new knowledge about man and his surroundings, Spiritism encompasses all areas of cognition, human behaviour, and activity, opening to a new era of human resurgence.
It can and should be studied, analysed and applied in all the main aspects of life: scientific, philosophical, spiritual, religious, ethical, moral, didactic, social.
The main teachings of Spiritism
God is the Supreme Intelligence, First Cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good.
The Universe is God's creation. It encompasses all rational and non-rational beings, both animate and inanimate, material and immaterial.
Spiritism in practice
Bet kokia spiritistų veikla yra nemokama, nes vadovaujasi moraliniu Evangelijos principu: „už dyką gavai, už dyką ir atiduok”
Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, without any external forms of worship, within the Christian principle that God should be worshiped in spirit and in truth.
Apibendrinant Spiritizmas praskaidrina gyvenimo sielvarto kartybę; malšina sielos neviltį ir nerimą, išsklaido netikrumą ar ateities siaubą, neleidžia galvoti apie gyvenimo sutrumpinimą savižudybe; būtent dėl to įsigilinusiems atneša laimės, o tai ir yra svarbiausioji greito plitimo priežastis. Allan Kardec („Spiritizmas savo paprasčiausia forma, Dvasių mokymo ir jų pasirodymų metmenys”)
Spiritism in Lithuania, in the world and in Brazil - over 15 million followers in the world
Spiritism and the science of spirituality - Near Death Experience, reincarnation, life after death, the power of prayer, perispirit, centres of the body's energy
"Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every Human epoch." A. K. Spiritism codifier
Spirituality and its scientific studies
Spiritism in Lithuania - our projects
Translation into Lithuanian language of Allan Kardec's books

3. Evangelija pagal Spiritizmą (L’Évangile Selon le Spiritisme)
- Do we have a soul?
- spirituality and health: what do experts say about the new researches
- faith and light
- reincarnation
- What is God?
- Is there life after death?
- Near Death Experience
- spiritual growth and enlightenment
- Abortion
- the path to the afterlife
Kas yra Spiritizmas
2nd World Meeting of Jesus' Friends with Chico Xavier and his Legacy

Spiritual citations

Pranciškus Candidas Xavieras (Chico Xavier)
Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
So be it!